429 feet ASL
I flew into Washington Dulles and my newly married sister picked me up from the airport. I had about 4 hours to kill until my dad would pick me up to take me to Fredericksburg. I asked my sister to drop me off at the Metro station before she headed off to work.
I bought my $6.50 Metro Day Pass and was on my way. I first headed over to Arlington Cemetery. There I was able to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a new memorial for the victims of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, and my grandmother's grave.
After Arlington Cemetery, I jumped back on the Metro and a few station hops later, I exited the Red Line - Tenleytown Stop, a mere quarter mile from the highpoint of Washington, DC. The hike to the highpoint was second in difficulty only to Florida's highpoint. I think the hardest point was coming out of the Metro Station, which is one of the deepest I've been in.
GPS Data
- You can download the Google Earth Track file (.kmz) of my hike around Reno Reservoir here.
- You can download the GPS Track file (.gpx) of the hike here.
Video of Summit
My Route

Fort Reno, Washington, DC at EveryTrail
Topo Map