429 feet ASL
I flew into Washington Dulles and my newly married sister picked me up from the airport. I had about 4 hours to kill until my dad would pick me up to take me to Fredericksburg. I asked my sister to drop me off at the Metro station before she headed off to work.
I bought my $6.50 Metro Day Pass and was on my way. I first headed over to Arlington Cemetery. There I was able to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a new memorial for the victims of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, and my grandmother's grave.
After Arlington Cemetery, I jumped back on the Metro and a few station hops later, I exited the Red Line - Tenleytown Stop, a mere quarter mile from the highpoint of Washington, DC. The hike to the highpoint was second in difficulty only to Florida's highpoint. I think the hardest point was coming out of the Metro Station, which is one of the deepest I've been in.
GPS Data
- You can download the Google Earth Track file (.kmz) of my hike around Reno Reservoir here.
- You can download the GPS Track file (.gpx) of the hike here.
Video of Summit
My Route

Fort Reno, Washington, DC at EveryTrail
Topo Map

Keep up the good work.
The Highpoint is actually in Fort Reno Park, not inside any fence. There's an official marker in the ground. You're gonna have to go again!
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