I like maps. When I get a new map, I eagerly open it up and peruse its content. My wife thinks I'm a little crazy and she might be right. But, I love the idea that this map represents a nook on our vast planet earth. A nook that was fashioned by God waiting to be explored if one be so inclined. This highpointing adventure idea is one way in which I can combine my love for exploration and maps and my love for God. It is a chance for me to visit a part of His creation, to discover the beauty of it and in doing so to behold the greater beauty of the one who holds it together.
Whether I glimpse a setting sun, fill my lungs with crisp October air, or sit quietly on an empty mountaintop, I know it is the Lord who made it and governs it all. The creation is a reflection of His greatness and I am thankful that He has given me an opportunity to partake in it. What a gift!
Will I ever really have the time to get to the top of all fifty states? Only God knows. But even if I don't, there is always the new heavens and earth that awaits exploration. For now, however, onwards and upwards.
List of Completed Highpoints
#1, Britton Hill, FL, 345 ft, 5-26-06
#2, Woodall Mtn, MS, 806 ft, 5-27-06
#3, Cheaha Mtn, AL, 2407 ft, 5-29-06
#4, Mt. Whitney, CA, 14494 ft, 9-24-06
#5, Boundary Peak, NV, 13143 ft, 9-25-06
#6, Spruce Knob, WV, 4863 ft, 12-19-06
#7, Mt. Rogers, VA, 5729 ft, 12-29-06
EC, Reno Reservoir, Washington DC, 429 ft, 3-29-07
#8, Ebright Azimuth, DE, 442 ft, 5-22-09
#9, Mt. Washington, NH, 6288 ft, 5-24-09
#10, Jerimoth Hill, RI, 812 ft, 5-25-09
#11, Campbell Hill, OH, 1549 ft, 4-3-12
#12, Hoosier Hill, IN, 1257 ft, 4-5-12
#13, High Point, NJ, 1803 ft, 6-10-13
#14, Mount Frissell (south slope), CT, 2372 ft, 6-13-2013
#15, Mount Greylock, MA, 3491 ft, 6-13-2013
#16, Sassafras Mountain, SC, 3553 ft, 11-10-2013
#17, Clingman's Dome, TN, 6643 ft, 8-13-14
#18, Mt. Hood, OR, 11240 ft, 6-3-15